Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Visits of Any Kind

are bad for weight loss.

I wish I knew how to hang with friends without eating fattening foods. This weekend was no exception. Add to that the impending monthly visit, and I'm just not feeling it.

On the good side, I've been moving a lot more. My job last night was very challenging but I got through it and my back feels a million times better than it did yesterday.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I guess I already knew that the JC plan worked. It was wonderful to see it in action. Down 3.5 pounds this week! It is SO helpful to have Mr. ShrinkingT doing a weight loss program at the same time. (of course he's doing something I think is crazy and unhealthy but it's probably just good for him to lose weight any way he can)

The big difference was the work out this week and the commitment to eating the plan. Energy level has been okay (except for the Sinus infection and subsequent allergic reaction to the antibiotic of course)

This week:
- 3 days of cardio
- with out of town guests coming in; limit drinking as much as possible (2 drinks/night)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Up Again

Definitely isn't helping that I've been eating cookies, ice cream, chips, etc. Plus the no working out is not good. Trying to give myself a break because of the bad sinus infection.